A day in the life of the Sacramento Brew Bus this August 23rd....
* 9:30 Sacramento, gather friends and head to Auburn Ale House.
* Brewery tour, new friends made, a pint or two, back on the bus after an hour or so.
* Bottle of water, snack, some tunes, and viola! At Knee Deep for a a Wow tour, awesome, delicious and beautiful new digs, serving crazy good beer... Back on the bus after an hour or so.
* Bottle of water, some snacks and a quick trip to Loomis Basin Brewing to say Hi to Kenny and family. Deeply delicious smoked BBQ lunch is waiting for us here. Take your time and enjoy the new friends that now seem like old.
* 3 breweries, tastes o plenty, snacks, and lunch. What a feeling.
* Home at 5 feeling alive!! tickets available and www.sacbrewbus.com