
By Nat Fladager of Through the Drinking Glass

Men like hard cider. Some men only drink hard cider. True story. Beer's best buddy/girlfriend has just as much kick and spunk and die-hard appeal as that awesome craft ale we are over the moon about.  In fact, I began my beer adventures by pairing hard cider with IPA's to ease the bitter. After my taste buds grew up and I felt comfortable spending my evening alone with micro-brew.  I forgot about this delectable and hip inebriate until I sipped my gluten-free friend's pink pint of local Two River's Raspberry. From that sip, I began my journey, to seek the best micro-ciders and discover what this back-burner beauty is withholding. As it turns out, the cider revolution is on the cusp and there are some savvy and passionate people behind this shake-up.

Hard Cider is not made for those who dislike beer, it is made for everyone

Hard Cider is not made for those who dislike beer, it is made for everyone, for those who enjoy the best things in life and appreciate innovation. The process of fermenting apples is somewhat simple and yet it takes a special touch to develop interesting flavors that are both riot-causing and quaffable. Oregon's 2 Towns  started in a garage and like your favorite band, it is now full-fledged, with a huge production facility, national distribution and a tap house. Organic Sonoma Cider is brought to you by two best buds who are pushing cider-making to an efficient and bright future. California is drenched in alcoholic apple juice, from honey rich Red Branch, vino-based Cider Brother's, floral Common Cider, and of course Sacramento's very own Two Rivers. The northwest is an apple kingdom and with apple's absorptive nature, cider makers are taking their blank canvases and producing some beautiful art, from marionberry to bourbon to dry-hopped...yes I said bourbon.

How about we take the next step and start putting a cider on tap at all Sacramento breweries and vise-versa, a beer on tap at all local cideries. Hops + apples= happiness.